HAWTHORNE, Adam Hawthorne

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Hawthorne AdamHAWTHORNE, Adam  - 

Passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 10th, 2024, surrounded by his family at Fairview Lodge in Whitby.


Adam, in his 94th year, leaves behind his loving wife Lyn of 72 years.


Adored father of Roslyn Nestic, Beverly Joseph and the late Ron, Wayne, Terri, Kelly and deceased daughter Sandy. Cherished grandfather of Sandra and Adam (Laura).


Great-grandfather of Lacey, Jaxon and Rowan.

Dear brother of Ellen and Hugh, predeceased by Walter and Ruby. Adam will be lovingly remembered by many families and friends here and in Northern Ireland.


Family was everything to Adam, the centre of his world and he enjoyed spending as much time with them as possible. Growing up, the family enjoyed many camping vacations together throughout the years, camping in both Canada and the United States.


Adam was a former Legion Pipe Band member and never lost his love of music or sense of rhythm, even when playing the spoons at the retirement home.


Adam was also a volunteer at the Lakeridge Oshawa Hospital, played music for the ladies’ line dancing at the community hall and would join his wife, Lyn, on several occasions, singing.


A proud retired electrician from General Motors after 33 years of service.


There wasn’t anything Adam couldn’t fix, and enjoyed endless hours in his workshop tinkering. A self-declared Jack-of-all-Trades, he would often say he was ‘as handy as a pocket on a shirt’.


Cremation has taken place and a Private Family Celebration will be held.


In remembrance of Adam’s life / love, the family asks that charitable donations be made to The Hospital for Sick Children or Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.


For online condolences, please visit armstrongfh.ca .






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