BERGERON, Anne Campbell Bergeron

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BERGERON, Anne Campbell (nee McEACHERN)  -

December 10, 1926 - March 6, 2024


In the early hours of Wednesday, March 6, 2024, our 97-year old Bergeron clan matriarch drew her last breath; closing the final chapter she began with her marriage to husband, Fred, almost 70 years ago. Just a girl from East York, Annie Campbell chose to be known as "Anne" for most of her life.

She was middle daughter of George and Molly McEachern.


Anne excelled at sports at East York Collegiate and met Fred while canoeing with the YMCA.


They were soulmates, enjoying family times at the cottage and rum punches on yearly trips to Barbados.


Mother of Anne-Marie (Craig Oliver); Ian (Victoria Mannering); and Suzanne Bergeron de Gomez (Ricardo).


Grandmother to Jenny, Annie Claire (Connor), Alex (Maggie) and Abigail. Great-gran to William, Mackenzie, Sullivan and Eevee. Anne loved animals, especially her seven doggie grandkids.


Sincere thanks to the Central East palliative team of Rebecca, Allison, Joey, Dr. Sharon Marcus and PSWs. Especially thankful for Preeti whose dedication and compassion over the past year allowed Anne be in the home she loved, surrounded by those who loved her. The three McEachern girls - Helen (2010), Georgina (2023) and Annie - are together again.


Throughout her entire life mom demonstrated how much she truly loved all of us.


We are thankful for her patience, thoughtfulness and support. Anne will be missed but we will cherish forever the memories she is leaving behind.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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