HAMIWKA, Antonina Hamiwka

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Hamiwka AntoniaHAMIWKA, Antonina - Passed away peacefully in Toronto on Sunday, October 17, 2021. 

Beloved wife of Ilko (2006), most precious mother of Wira Vendrasco [(Larry DeShield 1989), Bruno Vendrasco (2014)] and Mykolaj Hamiwka (Judie). 

Dearest sweetest baba of Christopher Short-Hamiwka and Katy Short-Hamiwka (Devin). 

Devoted godmother of Bohdan Dmytrow (Lisa, 2014) and Petrus Hamiwka. 

Cherished aunt and great-aunt of many nieces and nephews. 

She is predeceased by her parents and siblings in Ukraine.

Antonina loved to listen to music, sing in the choir, recite poetry, help with church services, make pyrohy, bake tortes and take care of everyone around her.  At one point in time, she knit slippers and blankets for members of the extended family.

Special thanks to my cousins Donna Rosocha, Stephia Dmytrow and Alexandra Dmytrow for all their support and assistance with arrangements. 

The family offers utmost gratitude to all the priests and individuals who offered spriritual and physical comfort to Antonina over the years.

Visitation will be held at Cardinal Funeral Home, Toronto on October 20, 2021. The service will take place at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Toronto on October 22, 2021 at 11:30 AM.

If desired, donations may be made to the Ivan Franko Retirement Home in Mississauga or the Ivan Franko Long Term Care Home in Toronto.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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