KINGSBURY, Beverley Ann Kingsbury

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Kingsbury BeverleyKINGSBURY, Beverley Ann - (1939 - 2020) - Surrounded by the love and prayers of family and friends Beverley was raised to Glory July 25, 2020.

She will be forever loved by sister Phyllis; Ewart, her husband of 60 years and their children Nancy (Wayne), Susan (Steve), Stephen (Stefani) and her Darlings: Emily, Laura, Andrew, Christopher, Samantha, Colton Sean, Kylie, Tyler and Simon (their significant others) plus 6 great grandchildren.

She will also be missed by Ewart's brothers, their families and a multitude of nieces and nephews.

Born to Lawrence and Marjorie Arbuckle on February 2, 1939, Bev is now reunited with them and siblings: Marion, Mildred, Gloria, Joyce, Betty and Robert.

A great woman of Faith, Beverley touched many lives with her friendship, wisdom, prayers and love. She is irreplaceable and will be greatly missed.

Arrangements with Dixon-Gardland funeral home, Markham, Ontario.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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