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SWEET, Daniel S. Sweet

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Sweet DanielSWEET, Daniel S. - Died December 21, 2020, in his 91st year, at Sunnybrook Hospital, after a heroic struggle with cancer.

He is survived by his loving daughter, Sherie (Thomas) Bradbeer, who is profoundly grateful for the caring and affectionate influence he has had on her life.

Also survived by beloved granddaughter Allison Bradbeer, former wife Mary and her daughter, Terrie (Terry) Barber.

Also remembered fondly by his friend of over 70 years, Joyce Brannigan.

Daniel spent his career with the The British American Oil Company, later Gulf Oil, at their Head Office in Toronto.

He was a voracious reader of history and political biography. He was a cradle Anglican. He leaves friends and family a large library of books, DVDs and classical music.

Dad was an amateur historian of Toronto and loved to discuss its geography, history, architecture, politics and crime. He could give the most interesting walks through the city and its cemeteries. He was a true flâneur.

Dad loved all creatures, and kept a ready supply of treats for local dogs and cats.

Dad could sometimes be gruff and stubborn, but also kind and generous. He was an excellent listener, and friends appreciated his witty repartee.

We will miss his "Dad jokes" at family gatherings, and his gentle, encouraging presence.

He has asked that all who remember him, raise a glass in his memory.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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