CATRAMBONE, Giuseppe Catrambone

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Catrambone GiuseppeCATRAMBONE, Giuseppe - It is with sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dearest Husband, Dad, Nonno, Zio, and Father in- Law, Giuseppe Catrambone, on Saturday, July 25th, 2020 at the age of 90.

Surrounded by his loving family, he journeyed peacefully beyond this earth to reunite with his sisters, Maria and Antonietta and brother Francesco.

He will be forever cherished by his Wife, Elda his two sons, Frank and Will, and by his adoring grandchildren, Christopher, Rebecca, Vanessa, Michael, Nicholas, and Mitchell and his Daughters in-law, Angela and Lorna.

Giuseppe will be remembered by his family and friends for his caring and fun nature, love of family, and his gift of hospitality.

Arrangements with DeMarco funeral home, 3725 Keele St., Toronto.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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