BUDHOO, Isaac Leslie - On December 31, 2020 at the age of 91.
He will be held dear in the hearts of his family, relatives and many friends.
Unfortunately due to the covid-19 restrictions, it is with heavy hearts that all visitations will be held in private with the immediate family members only.
For webcast livestream information, please see details below: to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Isaac Leslie Budhoo, Time: Jan 7, 2021 10:00 AM America/Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83514169112?pwd=VjNKcHdRaENocnl6T2pnZ3ZXdkdtQT09
Meeting ID: 835 1416 9112
Passcode: 751880
As we continue to pray for an end to this horrible virus, the Budhoo Family would like to thank you for your support during their time of sorrow.