McLAREN, John Brunton McLaren

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McLaren JohnMcLAREN, John Brunton  -

September 15, 1933 - October 30, 2023


John passed away suddenly following a brief illness at the Mississauga General Hospital.


Always a family man first, John will be dearly missed by his wife of 37 years, Aggi; as well as his children, Edward (Ted), Leslie (Len Sheedy); sisters Daphne and Diane; granddaughters Robin (Ian MacLean), Ellen/Ellie (Nick Ager), Catherine/Cat, Sarah (Josh Handy); and his great granddaughters Alexis/Lexi MacLean and newborn Madeline Rose Ager.


Fortuitously, John recently shared his 90th birthday with much of the extended McLaren Clan, followed soon after by the birth of his second great granddaughter and a reunion with his siblings.


John served as a career diplomat, trade Commissioner and Consul General for Canada in postings which included Karachi, Philadelphia, The Hague, Nairobi, Chicago, Glasgow and Detroit.


In retirement John volunteered in the local hospital, meals on Wheels, and a local soup kitchen. Always an avid golfer, he extended his season while wintering in Naples, Florida.


Funeral services will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at the Kopriva Taylor Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore West, Oakville, Ontario.



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