VANSTONE, Jonathan Victor Vanstone

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Vanstone JonathanNSTONE, Jonathan Victor   -  Born June 6, 1959 in Durban, South Africa. Died June 3, 2022 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Jon is survived by his wife of 24 years, Nancy (née Verza), his siblings, Brenda (Marc Sabourin), Roderick (Birgitt) and Kirsten (Michael Boadway), nephews and nieces, Nicholas (Kayla Favaro), Kayla (Tim Spence) and Michael Vanstone, Christian and Arielle Sabourin, Peter and Julia Boadway, his uncle, cousins and friends.

He was predeceased by his parents James Ray Vanstone and Ann Laurel Vanstone (née Hutt).

Jon grew up in Toronto and lived for a short time in Australia as a child.

He was a Junior Ranger and travelled across Canada on family road trips and with Katimavik.

These experiences were the source of stories, a love of cherry pie and sharp Euchre skills. Jon loved driving his many beloved cars to places like Florida, Haliburton or Cherry Beach.

He enjoyed his work driving shuttles with Mulmer Services (MSL), who became like a second family to him. With an ability to quietly listen, tell stories and just be there for people, Jon made many loyal, lifelong friends.

Over the last three years, Jon fought colon cancer with a tenacity familiar to anyone who had experienced his stubborn streak. He will be dearly missed.

Rest well, Jon.

Please consider remembering Jon with a donation to the Royal Canadian Legion or to a charity of your choice.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date. A visitation will be on Thursday, June 9th, from 3-5 p.m. at the Morley Bedford Funeral Home, 159 Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto. All are welcome.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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