FADAVI, Marika Ina Julia Fadavi

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FADAVI, Marika Ina Julia (nee DULE)   -  September 29, 1953 - August 3, 2020

Born Marika Dule, in Toronto to Latvian parents, Marika was a lifelong Leafs fan.

Growing up in Etobicoke in the 1960s-70s, she loved the Rolling Stones.

She loved cats and also was an avid reader, getting an English degree from the University of Toronto.

Marika was then working at the Toronto Reference Library, where she met her husband, Sohrab.

They married in 1982, and together had two sons, Darius (born in 1988) and Armand (born in 1994).

She is survived by her husband, two sons, and cat Teddy.

Marika will always be remembered as a caring mother who put her sons first, and she will be missed dearly.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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