HAILS, Robert William Hails

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Hails RobertHAILS, Robert William   - Passed away peacefully in his home at 77 years of age, on June 13, 2022.

Bob was a respected teacher with the Toronto District School Board for 35 years.

He taught primary grades at Dewson and Jessie Ketchum schools and felt deeply for his "buckets of love" and fellow teachers.

In his retirement, he loved to travel and was an active member of the "Triangle Squares" dance group for 25 years.

His friends and family will remember his gourmet meals and his fun and entertaining parties.

He will be remembered for his kind and generous nature. Bob was an amazing storyteller and could recall very specific details.

The love of old movies was a passion with Bob. Very few could match his fountain of knowledge.

Turner Classic Movies has lost a dedicated viewer.

Funeral service will be held Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 5 p.m. at The Simple Alternative, 1535 South Gateway Road, Mississauga, with a visitation one hour prior.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Casey House (Toronto).



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