MICHASIW, Barbara Michasiw

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Barbara Michasiw

1923 - December 24, 2024

Barbara Michasiw passed away after a lengthy decline on Christmas Eve, 2024. Predeceased by her husband Eugene (Micky), she is survived by her sons Mark (Sandra) and Kim (Kerry), and her grandchildren Eugene, Ian, and Miriam.

Barbara began her century-long journey in 1923 as the sole child of Frederick and Lorene Jones (née Palmer). Growing up in Toronto’s Parkdale neighborhood, she graduated from Parkdale Collegiate and earned her BA from Victoria College at the University of Toronto, followed by an MA in English Literature, with a thesis on E. M. Forster. Her teaching career began at Victoria University on Vancouver Island, but she returned to Toronto to marry Micky and settled in Port Credit, Mississauga.

Barbara’s professional life spanned decades, beginning with editorial work in Simpson’s fashion department and later as a stay-at-home mom. She returned to academia, earning an MPhil and PhD, and eventually found her calling teaching effective writing, English, and children’s literature at Sheridan College. She played an integral role in Sheridan’s Early Childhood Education program and engaged deeply with the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books at the Toronto Public Library. Even after retiring, she mentored middle-school students and shared her passion for gardens with many helpers.

Barbara was also devoted to the preservation of her heritage home, her vast garden, and her church. Known for her baking and her indomitable spirit, she lived independently until after her 98th birthday. Her later years were marked by grace, resilience, and an enduring influence on those who knew her.

A woman of immense strength and intellect, Barbara will be remembered as a role model for living a full and meaningful life. She will be greatly missed by her family, friends, and community.

Memories and notes of condolence may be shared at Skinner and Middlebrook Funeral Home.

~ Canadian Obituaries


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