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Claremont Baptist Cemetery

Directions to CemeteryLot 14, Concession 9 of Pickering Township.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Claremont Baptist CemeteryISBN - 978-1-55114-005-6Price - 1.00

Lot 14, Concession 9
Pickering, Durham
Claremont Union Cemetery

Directions to CemeteryLot 14, Concession 9 of Pickering Township. Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Claremont Union CemeteryISBN - 978-1-55115-007-0Price - 4.60

Lot 14, Concession 9
Pickering, Durham
Green River Baptist Cemetery

This cemetery was the churchyard of the Brunswick Hill Baptist Church, which was built in 1848. The church was moved to the village of Green River in 1888.Directions to CemeteryExit 401 at Brock Road in Pickering. Drive north to Highway #7 at the village of Brougham. Drive west on Highway #7.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Green River Baptist CemeteryISBN -978-1-55114-025-4Price -1.20

Exit 401 at Brock Road
Pickering, Durham
Gostick Cemetery

A small abandoned rural cemetery. Transcribed in 1989.Directions to CemeteryLot 24, Concession 7 of Pickering Township.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Gostick Cemetery ISBN - 978-1-55114-041-4Price - .50

Lot 24, Concession 7
Pickering, Durham
Fairport United Cemetery

Directions to CemeteryLot 23 Conce 3 of Pickering Township.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Fairport United Cemetery ISBN - 978-1-55114-023-0Price - .50

Lot 23 Conce 3
Pickering, Durham
Erskine United Cemetery

A large cemetery with many old stones. Transcribed in 1987.Directions to CemeteryLot 26, Concession 2 of Pickering Township. Exit Hoghway 401 at White's Road. Drive north to Finch Avenue. Drive east on Finch to Fairport Road. The cemetery is on the corner of these two roads; there are entrances on both roads.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Erskine United Cemeter y-Pioneer CairnISBN - 978-1-55114-009-4Price - .50Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery -Section AISBN - 978-1-55114-011-7Price - 2.60Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery -Section BISBN - 978-1-55114-013-1Price - 3.00Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery -Section CISBN - 978-1-55114-015-5Price - 2.60Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery-Section DISBN - 978-1-55114-017-9Price - 2.40 Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery-Section EISBN - 978-1-55114-019-3Price - 2.60Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery-Section FISBN - 978-1-55114-021-6Price - 4.20Cemetery Name - Erskine United Cemetery-Section GISBN - 978-0-7779-1356-7Price - 2.80

Lot 26, Concession 2
Pickering, Durham
Duffin’s Meadows

This cemetery contains fairly new burials. The Whitby-Oshawa Branch cemetery transcribers are in the process of recording the inscriptions, but it will not be available for some time.Directions to CemeteryDrive north on Brock Road from Hwy 2 and you will find the cemetery on the east side. Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.

Drive north on Brock Road from Hwy 2
Pickering, Durham
Hastings Cemetery

A small rural cemetery. Transcribed in 1992.Directions to CemeteryLot 20, Concession 5 of Pickering Township.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Hastings CemeteryISBN -978-1-55114-287-6Price -.50

Lot 20, Concession 5
Pickering, Durham
Lamoreaux Cemetery

A small cemetery with nine stones. Transcribed in 1992.Directions to CemeteryLot 19, Concession 4 of Pickering Township. The 4th Concession is now Taunton Road.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Lamoreaux CemeteryISBN -978-1-55114-285-2Price -.50

Lot 19, Concession 4
Pickering, Durham
Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery

A large cemetery with eight sections. The cemetery is in the churchyard of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, which was completed in 1853.Directions to CemeteryLot 9, Concession 4 of the former Thorah Township.Drive north from Highway 401 on Highway 12 to the juction of Highway 48. Continue north on Highway 12 to Durham Road 15 (Concession 5 of Thorah). Drive east of Durham 15. The cemetery is on the south side of the road.GPS N44.25.598 W079.06.931Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery NameISBNPriceBeaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section A 978-1-55114-260-9 6.40Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section B 978-1-55114-262-3 2.00Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section C 978-1-55114-264-7 2.00Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section D 978-1-55114-266-1 2.40Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section E 978-1-55114-268-5 1.80Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section F 978-1-55114-270-8 2.80Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section G 978-1-55114-272-2 2.40Beaverton Stone Church Cemetery-Section H 978-1-55114-293-7 .75

Lot 9, Concession 4
Thorah, Durham


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