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Vroomanton United Church Cemetery

Vroomanton United Church Cemetery

Transcribed in 1992. A small country churchyard.Directions to CemeteryLot 6, Concession 7 of Brock Township. Drive north from Highway 401 on Highway 12 past the village of Sunderland. Drive west on Concession Road 7 of Brock Township to Sideline 17A. The church and cemetery are on the north east corner.GPS N44.15.935 W079.07.088Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Vroomanon United Church CemeteryISBN - 978-1-55114-279-1 Price - .50

Lot 6, Concession 7
Brock, Durham


  • Vroomanton United Church Cemetery
  • Vroomanton United Church Cemetery


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