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McEachnie Funeral Home Ltd.

Families have long entrusted McEachnie with the care of their loved ones during their time of need. They’ve counted on us to work with them to craft and deliver a service that has become a meaningful and memorable tribute.During your time of need, you can be assured that we will take care of all the details, so you can focus on what’s most important – the celebration and remembrance of life, as a gathering of family and friends.Our doors are always open – we encourage your visit, where our helpful professionals would be pleased to show you what we’ve created here, and answer your questions in person.We’re families too, so we treat your family as we would want to be treated – with respect, with dignity, and with the knowledge that we’ll provide a warm and caring environment worthy of a life to be remembered.At a time of need, religious, cultural, ethnic, and family traditions and considerations must be understood and respected. In true Canadian fashion, your professionals at McEachnie go above and beyond to embrace the wonderful diversity of cultures, beliefs, and traditions of our local community.

- 28 Old Kingston Rd.
Ajax, Ontario L1T 2Z7
Accettone Funeral Homes Ltd.

The Accettone Funeral Home has been serving the funeral needs of families in the Ajax, Pickering and the Durham region since 1989.We are here to help families through this difficult time. With personal service available twenty four hours a day, each family we serve can take comfort in knowing that from the first phone call to the post funeral reception, every detail and arrangement will be handled by our family.If experience has taught us anything, it has taught us the importance of family. When death occurs, it is the love and warmth of family that can best ease the pain. We certainly understand your loss and have the experience and compassion to guide you through an extremely difficult time.Let us help you with all the details. We can help arrange visitations, flowers, receptions, the obituary, and more. Just tell us what you need.It is our desire to offer the best service and facilities. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help your family.

384 Finley Avenue Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E3


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