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Q-ssis Banquet Halls

Family owned and operated for over 15 years, Qssis can proudly claim to have over 2000 weddings to their credit.Qssis Banquet Halls offers to you a level of expertise unparalled in the industry. Offering an international cuisine and featuring a world-renowned chef who has prepared dinner for some of the most powerful people in the world.The three rooms accommodating up to 350 persons each, High ceilings and an elegant ambiance, allow Qssis to set the stage for a most memorable evening.Qssis Banquet Halls can also include for you chair covers, ceiling drapery, decorated head tables and even organza table cloths.Qssis Banquet Halls cordially invites you to sit down with one of their wedding consultants to customize a menu that works best for you, your family and friends.

3474 Kingston Road
Scarbrough, Ontario M1M 1R5


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