CASSE, Helen Casse

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CASSE, Helen  -  On Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Joseph Casse, beloved husband of Helen Casse.

Loving father and father-in-law of Lawrence and Ann, Cathie and Bruce Sutton, Daniel and Leslie, and Sarah and Larry Krauss.

Dear brother of the late Anne Zeidenberg. Devoted grandfather of Danielle, Isa, Charles and Jeannine, Essie and David, Mary-Rose and Tyler, Harry, Will, Ellie, Noteh and Alexandra, Hudi, Elisha, and Aviya.

Great-grandfather of Hannah, Royce, Edith, Francine, Nathan, Ruthie, and Mara.

Memorial donations may be made to Jewish Free Loan Toronto (, 416-635-1217). Joseph Casse grew up on Grace Street in Toronto, the child of immigrants from Russia.

He formed close bonds with his childhood neighbours, and later with friends at Harbord Collegiate.

He graduated from University of Toronto and then Osgoode Hall Law school in 1954.
He joined a law firm that eventually became Goodman and Carr, practicing real estate law and forming close friendships with his partners as well as many of KBs clients.

In 1955, he married Helen Greenstein, and this weekend would have been their 69th wedding anniversary.

Their long marriage had many happy adventures and travels. Joe loved learning, reading, discussions and debates; he was active in the Lifelong Learning Group at the University of Toronto.

He connected with people from all walks of life and was remembered by almost everybody he encountered. He remained alert and engaged until the end. The service was held on Thursday, June 27th at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel. Interment followed

Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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