FERRIE, Douglas David Ferrie

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Ferrie DougFERRIE, Douglas David - Douglas David Ferrie died on June 5, 2020 at Scarborough General Hospital at age 92.

He was born in Toronto on January 11, 1928 and lived in the city his whole life.

He was an electrician and a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for over 70 years.

He was predeceased by his father Alastair and mother Lillie (Hall). whom he looked after for many years. He was also predeceased by his brother James and is survived by his sister Dorothy Brookfield.

Doug is survived by his nephews Stuart, Robert, and Douglas Ferrie and niece Sandra McNamara, all of whom he was very close to and with which he shared his time generously. He also much loved his many grand nieces and grand nephews whom he supported in any way possible.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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