WORONA, Eleanore Anne Worona

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Worona EleanorWORONA, Eleanore Anne  -   April 3, 1936 June 25, 2022

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Eleanore Anne Worona (nee Lack) born April 3, 1936 in Oshawa.

Eleanore was predeceased by her eldest son Christopher Worona November 17, 2021.

Also predeceased by her brothers Richard (Dick), Bernard (Ben), John, Harry, James (Jimmy) and Joseph Lack.

She is survived by her husband Joseph and children Bernard, Anthony (Danise) Greg (Susanne) and Andrea (Justin) and cherished grandchildren Serhij, Tetjana, Oksana, Zachariah, Shannon, Madison, Kayley, Oliver, Thomas and Jack.


Survived by sister Rosemary Duffell and sisters-in-law Beatrice and Anne Lack and many nieces and nephews.

The family will miss her sense of humour and keen wit.

No service will be held as per Eleanore’s request.

Messages of condolence and shared memories can be left for the family by visiting barnesmemorialfuneralhome.com .

Donations can be made to the Kidney foundation or the Heart and Stroke.




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