LEAVENS, Gerald Leavens

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Leavens GeraldLEAVENS, Gerald - On Saturday, December 19, 2020. After a valiant struggle with illness, we are profoundly saddened to announce the passing of Gerry.

Beloved husband of Brenda.

Loving father and father-in-law of Ed and Lisa Leavens, and Andrea and Les Wynn.

Dear brother and brother-in-law of Alan and Trish.

Devoted grandfather of Josh, Daniel, Matthew, Samantha, Jordyn, Jillian, and Allie.

Born in Toronto, Gerry was a dedicated and successful dentist and dental consultant. He also spent 30 years serving the Jewish Community with his charitable work at Baycrest.

But it was Gerry's personality that was his greatest attribute. His encyclopedic general knowledge, wicked sense of humour and incredible wit lit up every room he entered. His greatest joy in life was his family.

The family wishes to send a special thank you to Jolly for her tireless care and compassion over the past 7 years, as well as the nursing staff at Baycrest for their tremendous support.

A family graveside service will be held on Sunday December 20, 2020.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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