HARDACRE, Gordon Douglas Hardacre

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Hardacre GordonHARDACRE, Gordon Douglas  MD, FCFP(C)   - March 17, 1946 - August 6, 2020

After a courageous 24 year battle with Parkinson's Disease, Gordon died peacefully at North York General Hospital's Seniors Health Centre. Enid (McKinnon), his loving wife of 43 years, was at his side.

Dear brother of Nancy and loving uncle of Sarah.

Caring and supportive step-father to Trevor Gray (Gracena) and devoted step-grandad to Holt and Will.

Predeceased by parents, Walter and Margaret and step-grandson Kent. Gordon enjoyed a long, rewarding career as an academic family physician and assistant professor at Toronto General Hospital and Toronto Western Hospital - University Health Network.

He received many awards for his teaching of medical students at all levels and was much loved and appreciated by the patients in his practice. Gordon was a loyal and passionate Blue Jays fan. He played first base on the TGH hospital team for many years.

He was a fine baritone chorister and soloist with a lifelong passion for church music, starting out as a choir boy.

He (with Enid) was a founding member of, and frequent soloist in, the Parkinson's choir, Voices of Hope.

After his PD diagnosis, Gordon made it his mission to share his experiences with Parkinson's and its treatments with other doctors and fellow Parkinsonians.

He received the Dr. Morton Schulman Award, in recognition of his volunteer work with the Parkinson Society Canada. Many thanks to the staff at Seniors Health Centre for the very kind and loving care given to "Doctor Gordon". Special thanks to Suzie, Anne and Rochelle.

Thanks also to Vasta, Gordon's longtime private caregiver. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the charity of your choice.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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