CARLETON, Guy Frederick Carleton

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CARLETON, Guy Frederick   - September 1, 1937 – December 24, 2020

Guy grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba where he was well known for his skills in baseball and music.

Upon graduating in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manitoba he was recruited by CP Telecommunications to join their Montreal team.


Apart from 14 months with Siemens Halske in Munich, he spent his career with CP, becoming Vice President of Marketing and Sales with CNCP (Allstream) in 1980. He retired in 1992.

Guy was predeceased by his parents and brother.

He is survived by his sister Linda (Bob) of Winnipeg.

Guy leaves his wife Anne, three daughters, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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