HENDERSON, James Glassco Henderson –

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Elderly man with glasses in a red shirtHENDERSON, James Glassco  -  Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) James Henderson, aged 95, died on Thursday, July 25th, at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie, after a brief illness.

Prior to his death, he had endured a long struggle with increasing frailty and dementia.

Jim was born in Burlington, on July 18, 1929, to Charles Osborne Henderson and Anna Josephine Henderson (nee Glassco).

He was predeceased by his sister, Mary Nixon; and his first wife of over 40 years, Ruth "Ru" (nee Hill), who passed away in 1995 after a lengthy illness. Jim was the cherished husband of Mary (nee Ziegler, formerly Haupt) for over 25 years. He is survived by his brother, John (Canmore, Alta); and sons, Iain (Ottawa) and Sean (Toronto). He was the adored grandfather of Zach (Gravenhurst), Amber (Barrie) and Benjamin (Ottawa); and "Grandpa" to Isabel and Adah Haupt (Oro Station).

He is survived by eight great-grandchildren, ranging in age from 22 years to eleven months old. He is also mourned by Karen Jones, Tosha Clissold; and Michael, Heidi and Chris Haupt.

Jim grew up in a military family, which had a long history with the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders in Hamilton. He began his military life as a high school cadet during the latter part of the Second World War. In 1950, he volunteered for the newly formed 2nd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery to fight in the Korean War.

His last posting was to the Canadian Forces Staff College in Toronto, where he was a lecturer and course creator until his retirement in 1978. Jim had the pleasure of spending time in the summers with his family on Lindhill Island, where Ru had a beautiful piece of property.

Following his retirement from the Armed Forces, Jim spent many years as a broadcaster, commentator and news director at CHAY 93.1 FM.

He will be remembered with love and respect for years to come. Jim's funeral will be held on August 23rd, at 12:00 p.m., at Trinity Anglican Church, 24 Collier St., Barrie. There is ample paid parking across from the church in the Collier Street Parkade parking garage.

Following the service, there will be a reception in the auditorium. Interment will take place later in the day at the family plot in Bethel Cemetery, Highway 11 North, Kilworthy. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the CNIB.

Categories: ONTARIO

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