HINKLEY, Patricia Hinkley

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Patricia Hinkley

August 8, 1940 - December 29, 2024

It’s with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Patricia “Patsy” Hinkley (née Marriage), who passed away peacefully on December 29, 2024, at Haldimand War Memorial Hospital in her 85th year. Lovingly remembered by her husband of 66 years, Donald, and their children Jackie (David), Dawn (Joe), Janet (Ed), and the late Debra. She was a proud grandmother to 8 grandchildren and great-grandmother to 12 great-grandchildren.

Survived by her brother Mike (Glenna) and sister-in-law Helen, Patricia was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers John (Sue), Rick, and her sister Dorothy. Aunt Pat was adored by many nieces and nephews.

Special thanks to the hospital staff for their compassionate care. Interment will take place on Saturday, January 4, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. at Bayview Cemetery, 740 Spring Gardens Rd., Burlington, followed by a Celebration of Life at 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Church of the Nativity, 1831 King St. E., Hamilton.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the charity of your choice. Please take a moment to sign the online guestbook.

Memories and notes of condolence may be shared at Bay Gardens & Bayview Funeral Homes.

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