MILLER, Iris Esmeralda Miller

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Miller IrisMILLER, Iris Esmeralda  -  Iris Esmeralda Miller, formerly of Hanover, Jamaica, West Indies, passed away peacefully, in her 106th year, on December 5, 2020.

She is survived by sons Leroy (Norma Grace), Othneil (Norma Jean), Justin (Elizabeth), and Kenrick.

Predeceased by husband Eddie and sons Manoah and Sam.

Also left to mourn are 9 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren, 6 nieces and 11 nephews, her only surviving sibling, Mrs. Pearlyn Clark of Content, Hanover, Jamaica, and lifelong friend Dr. Olive Wallace of West Palm Beach, Florida.

She will be interred in her homeland, Jamaica.

In Life we loved you dearly, in Death we love you still
For in our hearts you hold a place that no one else can fill
You walk with us down quiet paths and speak through wind and rain
For the wonderful gift of memory gives you back to us again
To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again.
Forever loved.

May you rest in Eternal Peace.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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