JACKSON, Mayhue Alfred Norman Jackson

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Mayhue Alfred Norman Jackson
July 28, 1937 - October 17, 2024

Mayhue Alfred Jackson, resident of Wembley, Alberta, formerly of Grande Cache, passed away on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital at the age of 87. Born on July 28, 1937, in Amherst Head, Nova Scotia, to Alfred and Eileen Jackson, Mayhue was a dedicated worker throughout his life. He held many roles, including service in the Coast Guard and working as a miner, always striving to provide for his family.

In his leisure time, Mayhue loved to fish and camp, always seeking out opportunities for outdoor adventures. Though he wasn’t one for many hobbies, he enjoyed tinkering with model vehicles and was known for his skill in installing car stereos.

Mayhue will be deeply missed by his daughters Myrna (Allie) Leaman and Kathy (Arnie) Smith, as well as his grandchildren: Scott (Kim) Smith, Travis (Devan) Smith, Ruby Curtis, Katie Leaman (Ben Goddard), Cody Scott, and Cameron Scott. He is also survived by his great-grandchildren Rylind Smith, Malerie Plante, and Lorelia Plante, as well as his great-great-grandchildren Lorne Curtis, Jayden Curtis, Rayden Curtis, and Eloise Goddard. He leaves behind numerous other family members and friends.

Mayhue was predeceased by his wife Ruby Jackson, his parents Alfred and Eileen Jackson, his brother Sanford Jackson, and his sister Gwendelin Jackson.

A graveside service in Mayhue’s honor will be held in Grande Cache during the summer of 2025. Memorial donations can be made in his memory to STARS (www.stars.ca).

We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Mayhue Alfred Norman Jackson. May his memory bring comfort in this time of sorrow. Your kind thoughts and words are greatly appreciated.

Categories: ONTARIO

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