HOGAN, John Timothy Hogan

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Hogan JohnHOGAN, John Timothy  -  John was born in Toronto on February 9, 1939.


He lived life to the fullest for almost 84 years until December 30, 2022.


His long, long, long list of friends goes back as far as high school including Etobicoke Collegiate, Royal York Collegiate and then Western University.


Tim often spoke of his reputation on all three football teams as the 'Deeky Running Back' whilst wearing his #26 jersey.


Tim enjoyed a successful career in the car business.


Firstly with his father at Simpson Motors. He was a Ford Dealer, a Toyota Dealer, a General Motors Dealer and retired from Garden Motorcar Mercedes Benz in Burlington/Hamilton where he happily ran it alongside Debbie and two of his children Michael and Kelly. Words fall inadequate to describe a man larger than life to so many.


He left a huge void in the lives of his children, Kelly (Darrin), Michael (Karen), Marc and Amy (Jay); his grandchildren, nieces, nephews, sisters and sisters and brothers-in-law. He was predeceased by his parents Jack and Leona, his sister Joan Griffin and brother Ainslie.


When Timmy left us last December he broke the heart of his best friend, soul mate and wife Debbie (nee Welch). They loved the outdoors, travelled the world, played golf, tennis, squash, scuba-dived, and skied to name a few.


Married was an understatement, the two were magic 'glass half full' kind of couple. After retiring in 2006 they have enjoyed life with family and friends old and new in their two 'happy' places where life will never be the same in Muskoka and Vasari in Bonita Springs Florida.







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