STAINTON, John Beverley Stainton

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Stainton JohnSTAINTON, John Beverley   -  Bev passed away peacefully, on July 20, 2022, at the age of 84.

He is survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Vicki (Stoodley); sons, Matthew (Rebecca) and Phillip; his 4 grandchildren, Jesse, Brittany, Ethan and Stephanie; and his brother, Keith (Joan).

He was predeceased by his parents, Harold and Jean; and brother, Ron (Betty).

Bev was born in Guelph and as a young child his family moved to Mimico where he continued to live throughout his life. Bev lived a very full, rich and rewarding life with a focus on his family and role as husband, father and grandfather; ever-present and always available, willing to listen and help whenever or wherever needed.

This will be remembered most.

Bev was also giving when it came to people outside his family.

As a professional teacher, counsellor and musician he selflessly shared his wisdom, compassion and his many gifts.

From a very early age, Bev's talent for music was evident. He was an accomplished pianist, singer, national adjudicator and Conducting Director of The Oakville Choral Society for over 30 years where he met many friends and spent endless joyful nights that we all remember.

Vicki, Matthew and Phillip already miss him dearly and will treasure his life, love and lessons for the rest of our days.

A celebration of life may be planned in the future..



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