LAMBERT, Joseph William Lambert

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LAMBERT, Joseph William - (November 5, 1950 - December 29, 2020)

Died suddenly from a pulmonary embolism.

Greatly missed by his wife Karen; his children Dennis, Brandon (Lindsey), Erin, and Morgan (Ian); his grandchildren Emma and Jake Farquharson and Theodore and Zachary Lambert; his brother William (Elsa) and nephews Alexander and Adrian; his brother-in-law Walter Klinger.


Also remembered by the Phelan family.

Joe was retired from the Ontario Ministry of Finance.

He loved to spend time with his family and was known as Mr. Fix-It to his kids and as Papa to his grandchildren. He also enjoyed cycling along the Waterfront Trail followed by an afternoon nap. The music community will miss his saxophone solos.

Funeral service for family only due to COVID-19 restrictions.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.



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