PANKHURST, Keith A.Pankhurst

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Pankhurst KeithPANKHURST, Keith A.   -  With deep regret, we announce the passing of Keith A. Pankhurst, (born August 30, 1946) on January 18, 2024 at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, from complications during surgery.


Keith was the dear son of Arthur and Muriel (nee Baker) Pankhurst (both deceased).


This gentle and loving soul is very sadly missed by family, friends and acquaintances, including best friends, Dan Marz, Peter Broderick, Kathy and Dale Munro, Don Mason and Hilary Heath; and his cousin, David Pankhurst.


Keith was a remarkably intelligent, witty and inquiring person, always interested in learning new things and travelling to new destinations.


Keith was extraordinarily generous, a person who always had great empathy for others. His charitable donations reflected his deep compassion for others, as he believed he was called to do - his faithfulness to the Anglican creed was a major part of his spiritual being.


Funeral Services for this wonderful man will be held at 11 a.m., February 7th, at The Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St. W., and interment will follow at St. Philip's Cemetery, 29 St. Phillip's Rd., Etobicok.



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