STEWART, Patricia Stewart

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STEWART, Patricia (nee MacBride) Stewart   -  1944 - 2022

Passed away suddenly at home with her daughter Christine Stewart by her side.

She leaves behind her daughters Christine and Karen.

Her five grandchildren and their partners, Karen-Marie (Trevor), Dustin (Selena), Jesse (Sarah), Cody-Jack and Jewel. She also leaves behind four great-grandchildren, Ellie, Keira Patricia, Dion, and Myles.

She will be very missed by her sister and partner in crime Shirley and her sisters in laws, Jane and Alice.

She will be deeply missed by her entire family and friends. 

In lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations to the Diabetes Canada or the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Arrangements with McEachnie Funeral Home Chapel, Ajax, ON.



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