REID, Keith Reid

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Arbor Memorial Mount Lawn Funeral Home & Cemetery

Keith Reid
28-May-1974 - 10-Oct-2024

With great sadness and heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Keith Reid. He left this world on October 10th, 2024. We will always remember him for his kind ways and adventurous spirit.

Keith leaves behind his loving mother, Joan Reid (Pete Reid - predeceased), his cherished daughter Arianna Reid (Sarah Senin and Cody Senin-Bergie), his beloved sister Lisa Little (Kevin, Katelyn and Ben Little), and his furry friend Zoe.

Keith was born at Port Perry Hospital on May 28th, 1974. He grew up in the rural community of Blackstock, Ontario, where his lifelong love of horses and country living began. Keith was a member of the Durham Pony Club for many years and represented Canada at the World Prince Philip Games in England.

After attending Port Perry High School, Keith earned his Farrier/Blacksmith degree with honors from Seneca College. He competed in numerous international competitions, winning many awards, and was a devoted coach, spending countless hours encouraging his students to excel.

Keith will be sadly missed by all and fondly remembered by family and friends.

Visitation will be held at Arbor Memorial Mount Lawn Funeral Home & Cemetery on October 28th, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Memories and notes of condolence may be shared at Arbor Memorial Mount Lawn Funeral Home & Cemetery.



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