SMITHSON, Claire (Belisle) Smithson, Obituary

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Smithson ClaireSMITHSON, Claire (nee Belisle) -   August 4, 1929 – October 29, 2015

Passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by her loved ones, on October 29, 2015, in her 87th year.

Predeceased by her loving husband, James Russell Smithson(August 9, 2007).  Cherished mother to  Lynn Ross, Diane Smithson, James Smithson and Michael Smithson(Jodi).  Lovingly remembered by her grandchildren Tawney, Lindsey, Drake, Jade, Mason, Cassandra and Marli.

Claire’s family would like to extend their thanks to the Cardiac Unit of Mt. Sinai Hospital for their expertise and attentive care of our mother, and a special thank you to her PSW Sophia, for her generosity and kindness of spirit, and to Dr. Wu for all of his years of care.

Mom was born in Montreal, and of course, had that Montreal style that the women of that city are renowned for.  She met our father on a Great Lakes ship.  A Toronto born Englishman, neither could speak the others language, but love finds a way.  Our mother was an amazing singer and loved to dance. 

The most important thing in her life was her family.  Many happy times were shared at the cottage.  Right to the end, our mother held to her dignity and pride, with a sense of humour and resolve, to try and make the situation as easy on her loved ones as she could. Right to the end she thought of us.

Friends may call for visitation on Tuesday, November 3, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm at ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME
(124 King St. E., Oshawa), with a service to be held in the funeral home chapel on Wednesday, November 4, at 1 pm.  Cremation to follow. 

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