DOUGLAS, Syble G. Douglas

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DOUGLAS, Syble G. (nee KRANENBURG)   - Syble G. Douglas left us peacefully, on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at Providence Health Care in Toronto, at the age of 94.

She was a vibrant, warm, charismatic, stylish woman with a wonderful laugh.

Her wit, sophistication and elegance will be dearly missed.

Syble cherished her beloved husband Ivan (predeceased), her four children - Melina, Allister, Jonathan and Ulita (predeceased), five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

In Syble's remarkable life, she was a journalist, teacher, published poet, visual artist, storyteller and a faithful devotee of the Baha'i religion for 48 years.

A Celebration of Life will be held in Toronto at a future date.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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