BRUSATIN, Carmela Rebecca Brusatin

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BRUSATIN,Carmela Rebecca BrusatinBRUSATIN, Carmela Rebecca   -
January 7, 1926 Salgareda, Treviso, Italy - June 15, 2024 Toronto, Ontario

Beloved wife of Comm. Luigi Piero (predeceased) for 64 years.

Loving mother of Giovanna (Jack Nagao), Roberta (predeceased) (John MacDonald), and Piercarmelo (predeceased).

Loving sister of Mariester Brown and Luisa Polesel (Italy, both predeceased); and fondly remembered by family and friends in Italy.

Carmela was independent and determined during her long life of 98 years, even through WWII as a teenager in Italy.

She was interested in knowing about all people she met and was much liked by everyone in return. A great cook, knitter of beautiful sweaters and an avid reader who liked to discuss current affairs and news related to Queen Elizabeth and her family. She loved to travel, making her last trip at 87,

travelling by herself to spend time observing people from a Venice cafe and visiting family and friends.

In 1957, with her 2 girls, Carmela joined her husband in Toronto and settled into the Italo Canadian Social Activities of the Italian Gardens, San Marco Veneto Club, Associazione Trevisani Nel Mondo, and in the renaming of the neighbourhood "Via Italia," in 1984. She was devoted to her family.

Delighted when Piercarmelo was born in 1960 and devastated with his untimely passing in 1987, then of her husband Piero in 2010 and of Roberta in 2017.

Throughout her life as a devout Catholic, she took much comfort in her faith and prayers. Much loved by her daughter, Giovanna.

A private funeral mass has taken place. Carmela has been laid to rest with her husband, son and daughter, at St. Clair Prospect Cemetery.

Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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