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Pickering United Church Cemetery

A small pioneer cemetery.Directions to CemeteryLot 14, Concession 1 of Pickering Township.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Pickering United Church CemeteryISBN -978-1-55114-083-4Price -.75

Lot 14, Concession 1
Pickering, Durham
Post Cemetery

Directions to CemeteryBrock Road and Highway #2.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Post CemeteryISBN -978-1-55114-085-8Price -.80

Brock Road and Highway #2.
Pickering, Durham
Pine Ridge Memorial GardensPine Ridge Memorial Gardens

Includes a cairn and plaque honouring the Powell Cemetery Pioneers. Transcribed in 1993.Directions to CemeteryChurch Street and Taunton Road in the Town of Pickering. Exit Highway 401 at Westney Road. Drive north to Taunton Road. Drive west to Church Street. Turn south on Church to find the entrance.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name -Pine Ridge Memorial GardensISBN -978-1-55114-307-1Price -1.20

Church Street and Taunton Road
Pickering, Durham


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