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Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home

During the time of loss of a loved one, it is easy to become overwhelmed by feelings of grief, fear, anger and confusion. Despite these feelings, you will be required to make many important decisions.We at Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Limited understand your needs and are ready to support you with caring and compassion. One of the ways we can help is by offering you resource material designed to assist you in outlining what must be done and in what order to do it. With tastefully decorated visitation facilities and chapel, we can fulfill your needs with all types of dignified services.Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Limited has been proudly serving area families since 1845. Managing Director Cory Kuipers has been with Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Limited for over 30 years, and along with his wife Rose, became sole owners in 1988.To help you cope with your loss, our staff can provide resource material dealing with grief and bereavement issues. If you wish, they can also refer you to qualified agencies and organizations that may help.

53 Division St. N.
Bowmanville L1C 2Z8


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