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St. Joseph’s R. C. Cemetery

At one time there was a small frame Roman Catholic church on this property. There are two stone gate posts at the entrance, and a large white stone cross in the centre of the cemetery. The property was deeded to the Catholic Church in 1835. Directions to CemeteryLot 10, Concession 4 of the former Thorah Township. Drive north from Highway 401 on Highway 12 to the juction of Highway 48. Continue north on Highway 12 to Durham Road 15 (Concession 5 of Thorah). The cemetery is on the south east corner, with the entrance on Durham Road 15.GPS N44.25.530 W079.07.267Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - St. Joseph's R. C. Cemetery ISBN - 978-1-55114-281-4 Price - 1.80

Lot 10, Concession 4
Thorah, Durham
St. James Anglican Cemetery

A country churchyard.Directions to CemeteryLot 2, Concession 4 of Brock Township. Exit Hwy 401 at Harwood Avenue. Drive north to Highway 2. Drive east on Highway 2 to Lakeridge Road (Durham Road 23). Drive north on Lakeridge Road past the village of Victoria Corners. Drive north to the Brock 4th Concession Line. The cemetery is on the northwest corner of Lakeridge and the 4th Line. Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - St. James Cemetery ISBN - 978-1-55114-110-7Price - 1.40

Lot 2, Concession 4
Brock, Durham
St. John Cemetery, Brock

Founded 1839. Includes a 1995 memorial dedicated to the pioneers who settled the area.Directions to CemeteryLot 13, Concession 5 of Brock Township.GPS N44.14.570 W079.07.683Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - St. John Cemetery ISBN - 978-1-55114-277-7 Price - 3.40

Lot 13, Concession 5
Brock, Durham
St. Malachy’s R. C. Cemetery

The original St. Malachy's Church was burned to the ground and all records were lost.Directions to CemeteryLot 7, Concession 7 of Brock Township. Drive north from Highway 401 on Highway 12 past the village of Sunderland to the Concession 7 of Brock Township. Drive west on Concession 7 to Sideroad 17. Drive north on Sideroad 17 to King Street. Drive west on King Street. The cemetery is on the north side of the road.GPS N44.16.624 W079.06.602Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - St. Malachy's R. C. CemeteryISBN - 978-1-55114-316-3 Price - 1.60

Lot 7, Concession 7
Brock, Durham
Scotch Cemetery (Brock)

A rural cemetery near Manilla. Transcribed in 1999.Directions to CemeteryLot 20, Concession 8 of the Brock Township. Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsAn on-line index is available for those titles which are underlined.Cemetery Name - Scotch Cemetery (Brock) ISBN - 978-0-7779-1344-4 Price - 1.60

Lot 20, Concession 8
Brock, Durham
Sunderland Cemetery

A country cemetery with a small chapel.Directions to CemeteryLot 13, Concession 6 of Brock Township. Exit Highway 401 at Brock Street in Whitby (Highway 12). Drive north to the village of Sunderland. After passing through the village, you will find the cemetery on the east side of Highway 12.Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name ISBN Price Sunderland Cemetery- Section A 978-1-55114-114-5 2.00Sunderland Cemetery-Section B 978-1-55114-116-9 2.60Sunderland Cemetery-Section C 978-1-55114-118-3 2.20Sunderland Cemetery-Section D 978-1-55114-120-6 1.20

Lot 13, Concession 6
Brock, Durham


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