ANDERSON, Christopher Matthew “Big Matty” Anderson

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ANDERSON, Christopher Matthew Anderson "Big Matty" -

May 24, 1974 – January 17, 2024


It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Matt Anderson on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.


Predeceased by his parents, Bob & Marilyn.


Matt is survived by his loving wife, Theresa and their children, Jordan, Tyler and Samantha.


As well as mother and father in law Sherri and Poppa Paul Thomas.


Cherished brother of Tom (Lisa) and Carrie (Peter); and doting uncle to Jacob, Vanessa, Carlie and Charlotte.


Matt’s friends were very special to him. He fostered long lasting friendships that have spanned decades and new ones as well, especially his gym family. He was truly ‘one of a kind’ and made a lasting impression on all who had the good fortune to have known him during his all too brief time with us.


As a young man, Big Matty was an accomplished athlete in baseball and rugby. As an adult, he seized the opportunity to pass on his wisdom and share his experience as coach to a number of boys’ baseball and girls’ softball teams in the Durham region.


Matt’s professional career spanned several years with a number of companies in the automotive sector here in Durham.


By all accounts, Matt was a hardworking and honest supervisor who many of his fellow employees would call a friend.


A ‘Celebration of Life’ will be held for Big Matty on Monday, January 22, 2024 from 5:00 pm-9:00 pm at The General Sikorsky Hall, located at 1551 Stevenson Road, Oshawa, L1L 0N7.



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