ZEBRAUSKAS, Dave Edward Zebrauskas

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Zebrauskas DaveZEBRAUSKAS, Dave Edward - (1965 - 2020) - To all of our family and friends and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing a great guy.

With heavy hearts and great sadness we share news of the sudden & unexpected passing of David Edward Zebrauskas, our brother, on Monday, August 3rd, 2020.

He broke his final trail and left tracks at the home he loved and shared with his wife Donna and his beloved four legged friend Cooper.

Dave loved being outdoors, growing the traditional garden with Donna & just enjoying their home together to the fullest. The real home he had all of his life in Humber Summit that was shared with many friends and family over the years - so many great memories!

His laugh and smile was always welcome when he entered a room and his devotion to those he loved was evident in everything he did.

He was predeceased by his sister Terry, mother Leila and father Ed. He also leaves many nieces, nephews and god children Kristina & Rob who cherished him.

His lifelong friend & brother Steve will miss all of the many adventures & misadventures shared over the many fantastic years while on the snow or water, not to mention the great telling of stories with lots of laughter and a cold beer.

So Dave is on the Stairway to Heaven to meet the Zeppelin, carrying his trusty tow rope & syphon hose to meet with all of the other good souls we have lost over the years.

Rest In Peace Dave. You will be missed friend & brother.

Funeral Arrangements are being made.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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