PURVES, Frank Gibson Purves

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PURVES, Frank Gibson  -  August 6, 1930 - January 2, 2021

Made it to 90 in spite of himself!

Married to the love of his life, Frances (Wood) until her death in 2012 they divided their time between his garden in Richmond Hill and the cottage on Lake Memesagamesing.

He could be difficult, stubborn and charming, had a heart of gold and more stories and adventures than the average 90-year-old.

Frank became legally blind at 57 and had to retire from North York Fire Department where he was a Platoon Chief.

He will be sorely missed by his children (who claim his adventures would be much funnier if he were someone else's father) Wendy (Bob Lambie), Rob (Caroll), Susan (John) and Lynn Newton, by his adored grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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