LEWIS-STRAKER, Gloria Fildalia Lewis-Straker

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deceased-imgGloria Fildalia Lewis-Straker - March 24, 1933 – September 10, 2024

Gloria Lewis-Straker passed away peacefully on September 10 following a long illness.

Gloria was charitable, kind, independent and driven. Growing up with four brothers and living modestly, she aspired to carve her own bright future. She travelled to England as a young woman to study nursing, where she learned to become a midwife and cycled around the boroughs in a cape and cap, bringing babies into the world. Upon returning to Trinidad, her work took her around the island, visiting new mothers and offering advice and care. She then moved to Toronto to become a Registered Nurse where she had an exemplary 40-year career including long stretches in the ER and Trauma units, applying her skills as a Surgical Nurse, and ultimately taking on a management role.

She spent her well-earned retirement relaxing at her home in Pickering, touring Ontario and travelling overseas, including trips back to Trinidad and jaunts to Europe with her son. Family was always close to Gloria’s heart, including her much-adored mother, Madeline, with whom we hope she has reunited. She held deep love and pride for her son Stephen (Suzanne) and grandchildren Melaina (Jesse), Gabrielle, Isaac and Madeline. She also has three great-grandsons (Garrett, Emmett and Oliver) who carry her zest for life and learning.

In addition to her mother, Gloria was predeceased by her eldest brother (Julian) as a child, father (Elliot Essau) and then her remaining brothers later in life (Anthony, Fitzroy and Philbert). She was widowed in her 20’s (Alvin) and was also pre-deceased by Stephen’s father (Herman) with whom she had decades of love and friendship.

Thoughts to Gloria and the family are much appreciated at this time. In lieu of flowers, we would be grateful for donations to Ed’s House in Cobourg, Ontario. Donation Information

The hospice and its incredible staff and volunteers were an immense gift to Gloria and her family in recent weeks, and anything that can support their work would be an honour to her memory. Gloria was a charitable and giving woman to the end and would be pleased to know that remembrance of her could help others in need.

Friends and family are invited to visit at McEachnie Funeral Home

"You left us beautiful memories
Your love is still our guide
and though we cannot see you
You are always by our side."

~ Canadian Obituaries


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