JONES, Lynda Jones

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JONES, Lynda Margaret - (January 1945 - January 2021)

It is with great sadness that the family of Lynda Margaret Jones shares news of her passing on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021. 

In her 75 years, Lynda touched the lives of close friends and beloved relatives with her considerate and loyal nature.


Lynda will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed by Bob, her husband and devoted best friend of over 54 years. 

Their children, Karyn along with her husband Scott and Doug together with his wife Tara, will hold close the memories of their mom’s unwavering love and encouragement. 

Grandma Lynda’s pride in her three grandsons, Wyatt, Gavin and Derek was unequivocal and they will forever remember the warm comfort they felt in her presence.

Lynda was a devoted daughter, predeceased by her parents, Joe and Madge Montgomery.

To celebrate a lifelong dedication to education and love of reading, her family would like to encourage memorial donations to First Book Canada ( to put books into children's hands.



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