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Zion Cemetery (Zephyr)

Directions to CemeteryLot 26, Concession 2 of the former Scott Township. Drive north on Highway 48 to Davis Drive. Drive east to the York-Durham Line (Road 30). Drive north to the Zephyr Road. Drive east to the village of Zephyr. The cemetery is on the north side of the road as you enter the village.GPS 44.11.953 W079.16.409Transcription Purchase InformationTo order one or more of the following cemetery transcriptions, send a cheque or money order to: Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region Branch, Box 174, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5S1. Include the listed price plus $5.00 postage for the first cemetery, plus 15% of the total amount to cover expenses. U. S. and international residents please pay in U. S. funds.Available TranscriptionsCemetery Name - Zion Cemetery (Zephyr)ISBN - 978-1-55114-071-1Price - 2.20

Lot 26, Scott Township
Davis Drive, Durham
Zara’s Gourmet Kitchen

Situated at 111 Finchdene Sq in Scarborough, Ontario, Zara's Gourmet Kitchen is a merchant inside the caterers section of online directory.Dial 416-335-8383 to contact Zara's Gourmet Kitchen that is close to your area. Find the directions to this merchant from your current location. Or, simply add this enterprise to your business favorites at the bottom of this page.Finally, please share this with your contacts by clicking Facebook or Twitter icons. It's also possible to save this merchant information to your Outlook contacts.

111 Finchdene Sq
Zam-Zam International Foods

Situated at 22 Melham Crt in Scarborough, Zam-Zam International Foods is a merchant within the caterers section of online directory.Dial 416-299-1099 to contact Zam-Zam International Foods that is close to your area. Find the directions to this merchant from your current location. Or, simply add this merchant to your personal business favorites at the bottom of this page.Finally, you can share this with your contacts by clicking Facebook or Twitter icons. It's also possible to save this merchant information to your Outlook contacts.

22 Melham Crt
Zehrs Markets
323 Toronto St S
Uxbridge, ON


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