SMITH, Donald Smith

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SMITH, Donald  -  Died at Humber River Hospital on March 4, 2024, aged 88, after a long illness.


He was the son of William Angus Smith (died 1990) and Margery Alice (Casselman) Smith (died 1991) of Orillia.


He was predeceased by his brother Grant in 2003.

He was a librarian for many years at Robarts Library, University of Toronto, where he headed up the Serials Department, served as Human Resources Officer and ended his career as head of the Cataloguing Section.


He retired early because he did not want to be known as a 40-year employee, and never wore a suit and tie after that. He was famed for many things, among them being: keeping a daily record of his expenses since he was at university; going to London twice a year where, in a matter of 10 days, he managed to fit in 15 plus shows and keeping the programs for every show, ballet and opera he ever attended and taping every episode of "Anne of Green Gables."


He was extremely proud that he still had an old-fashioned dial phone and never paid more than $30.00 a month, much to the despair of Bell Canada.


He was a long-time supporter of the National Ballet of Canada and the Canadian Opera Company and attended the annual Spring Showcase at Canada's National Ballet School. He is survived by his cousin, Charleen Evans, and her family, and many friends.


A celebration of his life will take place in the spring.



Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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