JOHNSTON, Dr. James Robert (Bob) Johnston

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JOHNSTON, Dr. James Robert (Bob)   -  At home on July 26, 2020, after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer.

Age 81.

A chemist with degrees from Ryerson Institute and University of Windsor; worked at Falconbridge, then as independent consultant.

Loved golf and travel - was the Mississauga Club's longest-standing still playing member, and travelled to most destinations it's possible to reach.

A student of history (especially WWII), and collector of Canadian landscape art.

Volunteered many hours serving on his condominium's Board of Directors, including as its President.

Will be interred in the Johnston family plot at Toronto's Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

Donations in his memory can be made to Canadian Cancer Society, or charity of your choice.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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