LYONS, Edward Ronald Lyons

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Lyons EdwardsLYONS, Edward Ronald  -  A warm and kind man, Edward Ronald Lyons quickly shuffled off this mortal coil on August 11, 2020, after a very short illness and 94 years of one hell of a lovely life.

Born in Windsor, Ontario, January 7, 1926, Ed vividly remembered his birth and the labourious journey down the birth canal.

Raised in Hamilton, the only child of Seymour and Ethel, he was cherished and spoiled by his large and prosperous extended Jewish family.

Ed always said he was born with a silver spoon and had lived a charmed life, which was (mostly) true.

He was the king of exercise, going to the downtown Toronto Y five days a week for almost 60 years; he had the heart of a 25 year-old. He was also a champion blood donor, donating to the Red Cross more than 100 times.

Together, Ed and Margaret built a prosperous and satisfying life.

When Erskine died in 1985, Ed was heartbroken, but he and Margaret carried on, as we all do.

After 70 years of marriage, Margaret passed away in 2019, and, just ten months later, Ed joined her.

He is survived by his daughter, Ruth, who misses him more than these words can say. Ed, like Margaret, chose to use MAID to die, and was grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Ed and Margaret were strong supporters of McMaster; donations in Ed's name can be made to the Margaret and Edward Lyons Fund, McMaster University.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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