CRANWELL, James Lawrence Cranwell

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CRANWELL, James Lawrence Cranwell   -  With the love and support of his family by his side, James Lawrence Cranwell was released from his pain on Tuesday June 14, 2022, at the age of 83 years.

His wishes for a compassionate end to life were respectively and caringly fulfilled by the Palliative team at Lakeridge Health Centre.

With his loving family by his side, children Michael Cranwell (Monica), Sally Robitaille (John), Julie Holman (Paul) and beloved granddaughter Amber Willdig (Chris) supported our Patriarch on his last voyage. 

The family will be eternally grateful for the wonderful care of the nurses and doctors (and a very special social worker, Jena) on G5 and 4F.

His life lessons, legacy and belief in harmony will live on in his great-granddaughters, Sydney James and Audrey Lynn, his great-step-granddaughter, Lily Louise, and all who knew and loved him.

He was also an incredibly progressive thinker, a Humanist, a stanch supporter of equality for all, and very much a man ahead of his times.

His influences were varied and widespread, beginning with his parents who taught him much about humanity and what really matters. 

Open-minded and one who never stopped learning, James drew strength from many others he admired. Amongst them include Bertrand Russell, William Shakespeare, Jane Austin, Oscar Wilde, Marie Curie, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, David Attenborough… and of course the entire Monty Python troupe.

He will be forever missed and never forgotten. 

As per our father’s wishes, there is to be no funeral or service.

A private celebration of life will follow at a later date.



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