ROBSON, Kathleen “Kay” Robson

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ROBSON, Kathleen "Kay"   - August 7, 2020 Kathleen Robson, passed away peacefully at Chartwell Tiffin House in Midland on August 7, 2020, her 93rd birthday.

Loving mother to Kathryn Hamilton and grandchildren, Tristan and Laura.

She is fondly remembered by family and friends in England and Canada.

Formerly of Mississauga, from 1955 to 1982, Kay worked for Peel County Board of Education as head secretary in several schools including Queen Elizabeth Junior High and Applewood Heights Secondary.

In retirement she moved to the Midland area and enjoyed lawn bowling, card playing, socialising and travel.

Cremation has taken place.


Categories: TORONTO - (GTA)

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