YATES, Linda Audrey Yates

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YATES, Linda Audrey Yates   -  Passed away peacefully surrounded by the love of her family on June 24, 2022 at Lakeridge Health Oshawa. 

Beloved wife & soulmate of Rick. 

Loving mother & best friend of Krista Yates (George Pithie).  Cherished grandmother of Brayden and Brodie. 

Dear sister of Diana Munn (deceased), Paul (deceased) and sister-in-law of the late Denise Lapp. 

She will be lovingly remembered by her brothers Maurice (Brenda) Lawson, Derek (Lori) Lawson, Dan Lawson(Teri Sasaki). 

Beloved aunt of Stacey (Roy) Milley, Ashlin Milley, Steve (Nicole) Lawson, Kathy Beach-Prosser (Gerard Uiterschout), Adam Lawson, Debra Munn, Kim (Rick) Munn-Goebel, Kelly Munn and Dustin Lawson. 

Linda will always live in the hearts of her family and many extended family and dear friends. 

In memory of Linda, donations may be made to the Lung Association.




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